Chiropractic Care

Our doctors are trained in a wide range of techniques to help ease your specific condition. These include both thrust and non-thrust techniques. These techniques are used to decrease back pain, headaches, arm and leg pain, and muscle-related injuries. Chiropractic care delivers immediate relief and long-term benefits when utilizing an experienced, knowledgeable and caring physician. The benefits of chiropractic care can be noticed immediately and can improve health over an extended period of time.

Chiropractic care addresses the underlying cause of pain disorders, headaches, low back pain, and other injuries – not by covering the symptoms, but by treating the cause. Painful conditions are often times linked to areas in the spine that are not functioning properly. This causes the usual movement to be restricted or for the spinal bones to be misaligned. Chiropractic focuses on realigning the spine, which can alleviate the pain.

A healthy body is a productive one. When you sleep better, move better, or are experiencing less pain, your productivity increases. Chiropractic care effectively restores proper spinal alignment and reduces other conditions from taking over your health.

Regular chiropractic care may boost the body’s immune response. Learn more here.

Our bodies react to stress in different ways: Some may have an increased susceptibility to disease, organ malfunction, poor nutrition, poor sleep, and physical injury. The spine, the root of the nervous system where nerve impulses travel from the brain to the rest of the body is a vital component in maintaining overall health, and is the focus of any chiropractor. Prolonged muscle tension and contraction may occur with chronic stress. Muscle tension creates uneven pressures on the bony structures of the body, leading to misalignment of the spinal column. Stress can also create nerve irritation. Regular adjustments reduce and release muscle tension, which helps the body maintain a relaxed and balanced state. Adjustments can also improve circulation.
Our chiropractors are trained in nutritional and other therapies for stress. Several nutritional supplements, including B vitamins, help the body cope with stress. Our doctors may also recommend relaxation techniques, and discuss posture and environmental changes to help recovery from chronic stress.

When the spine is not aligned, proper function is limited. This can cause pain or discomfort and increase medication dependency. When the spine is in proper alignment and the joints are well lubricated, functionality improves and pain decreases, allowing for less use of pain medication.

A good night’s sleep is related to good health. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, or other aches and pains can all contribute to a lack of sufficient sleep. Chiropractic treatments help aid in the rehabilitation of these ailments. The vast majority of my patients notice more restful sound sleep after their adjustments. For the few that don’t there are other therapies and supplements that can be very beneficial.

Chiropractic care is beneficial to help maintain overall muscle and joint health. It addresses a myriad of conditions and results can be seen immediately and long-term when applied with a healthy diet and exercise.

How Our Chiropractic is Different

Chiropractic + Physical Therapy + Massage Therapy

Our approach is much different than what most patients expect at a chiropractic office. Our physicians focus on getting to the root of your issue, which can’t necessarily be done in a five minute visit.

You will experience thorough, one-on-one treatment sessions, getting the fullest attention for an average visit that lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Instead of booking unnecessary appointments, our physicians will develop an individualized treatment plan to best fit your needs. When followed properly, the treatment plan can get you the results you’ve been looking for to reach your physical health goals.


Graston Technique

Graston Technique is an innovative, patented form of instrument-GrastonTechnique_shoulder-treatassisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas that show soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. Elite Performance is your ONLY certified Chiropractor in Owasso for the Graston Technique, and one of very few certified in Tulsa.

GT is utilized at some 830 outpatient facilities and industrial on-sites, by more than 160 professional and amateur sports organizations, and is part of the curriculum at 38 respected colleges and universities.
Graston Technique has been clinically proven to treat the following conditions:
  • Cervical Sprain/Strain (neck pain)
  • IT Band Syndrome (runner’s knee)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (wrist pain)
  • Lumbar Sprain/Strain (low back pain)
  • Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Scar Tissue
  • Rotator Cuff Tendinosis
  • Trigger Finger
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Patellar Tendonitis (jumper’s knee)
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Medial Epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
  • Shin Splints
  • Biceps Tendonitis

Cold Laser Therapy 

This technique works great on muscles and joints such as shoulders, Erchonia-laser-243x300elbows, wrists, knees and ankles. Cold Laser Therapy has also been extremely beneficial on bruises. The laser stimulates the muscles and joints and initiates a response called “biostimulation” immediately increasing the energy (ATP) of the cell. The net result is reduction in pain, inflammation, swelling and an overall reduction in healing time.
At Elite Performance and Rehabilitation, you can be assured that you will receive the latest, most up-to-date therapy practices. Our success is measured by how quickly we can get you back to participating in your specific sport, hobby, recreational activity, or work, and reaching your own personal performance goals.

Soft Tissue Mobilization & Joint Mobilization

This technique is hands-on manual therapy. “Mobilization” involves the manipulation of soft tissue encapsulating a joint, called fascia, and muscles over joints that have restricted range of motion. Fascia, muscles, and ligaments may tighten after an injury. Soft tissues around the bone need to be stretched in order to improve or restore range of motion and functionality. Tightness in joints could also restrict blood flow, lymph nodes, and nerve signals in the area. Manual therapy promotes proper restoration of joint function after an injury.

Patients seek soft tissue mobilization therapy for multiple joint complications in the hands, feet, elbows, hips, neck, and spine.

Manipulation (Adjustments)

The common goal in manipulation is to restore or enhance joint function to reduce joint inflammation and pain. Some approaches use some force (spinal manipulation), while others are more gentle (spinal mobilization). Most patients experience a relieving sensation, although there may be minor discomfort for a short period of time if the surrounding muscles are in spasm or the patient tenses up during this chiropractic care.

Spinal Manipulation
The most frequently used chiropractic technique, spinal manipulation, is the traditional high-velocity low-amplitude thrust. The manipulation often results in an audible “pop,” as chiropractors use their hands to apply a controlled sudden force to a joint while the body is positioned in a specific way.

Spinal Mobilization
Some conditions (such as osteoporosis), pathology, the patient’s size, patient comfort, or patient preference, may require a gentler approach generally referred to as spinal mobilization. In addition, some patients and/or physicians prefer mild spinal mobilization techniques that do not involve twisting of the body or a forceful thrust.

Ice/Heat Therapy & Iontophoresis/Ultrasound
Chiropractors also utilize adjunctive therapy, such as ice or heat or physical therapy modalities (such as electric stimulation, ultrasound, etc.), as part of a treatment plan.

Stretching & Strengthening Program

Many studies show that the management and prevention of pain, tightness or imbalance can be enhanced with stretching and strengthening programs. For many conditions, chiropractors can show patients specific exercises that target the areas of the body that can help aid mobility and functionality.

Spinal Decompression

Are you suffering from neck pain or back pain from a herniated disc? A combination of Chiropractic and Physical Therapy treatments may be the best treatment for you. Computerized traction can be integrated into your treatment, which may help alleviate symptoms such as neck, back, arm or leg pain. Herniated discs, facet syndrome, sciatica, spondylosis, and spinal stenosis are a few of the conditions that respond well to this non-surgical procedure. This service is currently only offered at the Tulsa location.

This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. You should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice because of something you read on the Elite Performance & Rehabilitation website.

Conditions Treated


Arthritis can be categorized as either Osteoarthritis (OA) or Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
OA is also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD). It is a chronic, progressive degenerative process, including loss of articular cartilage and joint margin changes of the joints in our body. The cartilage that protects the joint surface degenerates over time due to two reasons:
1. “wear and tear” or other structural abnormalities or
2. secondary due to a genetic predisposition of the chemical processes in the body.
A background history includes trauma/repetitive trauma, stiffness/pain in joint, limited range of motion, gradual onset of symptoms, short periods of morning or after-rest stiffness, and symptoms with changes in barometric pressure. Ultimately, pain limits active movement, which causes muscle weakness, contracture and increased pain.
RA is an autoimmune, inflammatory, connective tissue disease. As with other connective tissue diseases, onset and progression vary greatly with periods of flares and remissions. It differs from OA in that is a bilateral (both sides of the body) process. Joint inflammation during flares actually erodes the protective cartilage away, causing significant pain, loss of movement and mobility.

Treatment for both conditions include posture and body mechanics training, joint protection principles, energy conservation techniques, supportive, corrective devices or bracing, pain management and mobilization of the joints, gentle stretching, massage, and strengthening techniques. It is important to remember that treatment varies depending on whether you are in a flare (or have acute inflammation) or a remission period. Careful coordination with your physical therapist is important to prevent exacerbation of these conditions.


Bursitis is the inflammation of the small, fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions between muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. The bursae allow movement without friction between surfaces. Occasionally they can become inflamed if excessive repetitive motion, strain or impingement occur around the bursae. Some of the most common areas to get bursitis are the hip, shoulder, buttocks, groin or anterior thigh.
Treatment may include ultrasound, patient education to understand body mechanics, what movements and habits provoke symptoms, stretching and strengthening muscles to correct imbalances between opposing muscle groups and pain management techniques.

Car Accidents & Worker's Compensation

Elbow Injuries

Foot & Ankle Pain

There are 28 bones in the foot and ankle, which help provide stability as well as mobility, accommodate uneven surfaces, adapt to absorb forces and bear the weight of the body when standing, walking or running. Supporting our feet and ankles is important to prevent the many injuries associated with instability. Ankle sprains, fallen arches, plantar fascitis, shin splints and post-surgical management all require interventions that are available from Elite Performance & Rehabilitation.
Interventions may include modalities, walking, running or biomechanics training, joint mobilization, strengthening and stretching muscles and tendons, contrast baths or supportive orthotics.


Hip Pain

Hip pain can come from many different sources including arthritis, sciatica, nerve impingement, bursitis, uneven leg lengths, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, poor posture, obesity, stress fractures or muscle imbalances. Arthritis in the hip joint can cause significant pain, which may respond well to care in the earlier stages, but often may require total hip replacement surgery (also referred to as total hip arthroplasty). A thorough examination is required to determine the cause of pain and a plan of care is developed from those findings.
Interventions may include modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation, stretching and/or strengthening muscles, patient education about posture and body mechanics and pain management techniques. Pain in one area may come from injury in another area, so many tests have been developed to differentiate pain from injury.

Knee Pain

Conditions such as arthritis, meniscal tears, runner’s knee, jumper’s knee, ligament tears (ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL) and patello-femoral syndrome, which produces painful “crunchiness” under the knee cap, can also respond well to our therapy techniques. Progressive strengthening and range of motion restoration protocols are key to returning to full function.

Low Back Pain

There are a number of structures that can cause low back pain including discs, nerves, muscles and facet joints. Pain can manifest itself as sprains or strains, disc bulges, protrusions or herniations, joint inflammation or as a sciatic nerve syndrome, etc. An initial evaluation can help to determine the cause of your pain. Soft tissue mobilization and joint mobilization/manipulation combined with rehabilitative exercises and education is the most effective approach for most patients.
To treat back pain, one must have a comprehensive approach including controlling the inflammation (modalities/rest/ice), posture training, flexibility and strengthening of the muscles of the trunk and arms and legs.

Musculoskeletal Pain

It is not uncommon to address health issues only when they become acutely painful. We do this at an alarming rate, forgoing preventative care only to end up with a painful emergency. People often dismiss months of occasional twinges and aches as no big deal until they eventually explode into a debilitating, crippling injury. It is always best to address pain directly at its onset to minimize the problems associated with compensatory tactics trying to avoid the pain. If you have sudden onset of pain that does not resolve within a few days, it is best to get help from your provider of choice at Elite Performance & Rehabilitation.
Physical therapy and Chiropractic interventions for musculoskeletal pain include a number of options, depending on the injury.

Treatments include: pain management techniques including soft tissue mobilization, trigger point release and joint mobilizations as well as modalities including ultrasound and electrical stimulation and exercises to stretch or strengthen the injured and opposing muscles. A thorough examination is necessary to determine the cause of pain, and treatment options will be discussed before any intervention is begun.

Neck Pain

Whether it is following an automobile accident or due to work or sleep postures, neck pain is generally relieved when the inflammation has been reduced, joint motion is restored, tissue tension minimized, and muscles have regained their strength and pliability.
Physical therapy and chiropractic care can help control the inflammation (modalities/rest/ice) and improve your posture, flexibility and strength of the joints/tissues of the neck, shoulders, upper back and arms. Headaches often accompany neck pain and respond well to these therapies too.


Osteoporosis is becoming a more recognized problem that can be managed with conservative care. Physical therapy can effectively treat osteoporosis patients with exercise, and body mechanics and postural training. If a patient has pain, various treatments may be needed to reduce the pain before starting a special exercise program.

Overuse Injuries

Our body has the ability to repair itself from repeated loading if the load is not too great and time is allowed before the load is repeated. When we exceed these limits with inadequate rest, we cause damage to the tissues in our body. This is known by several names: overuse injury, overuse syndrome, repetitive strain injury or cumulative trauma disorder. These types of injuries may include: bursitis, tendinitis, shin splints, stress fractures and muscle strain, spasm or weakness.
The number one intervention for overuse injuries is rest. Depending on the affected area, other interventions may include ultrasound, stretching, muscle setting, and patient education about posture, body mechanics and pain management techniques.

Shoulder Injuries

Sports Injuries

After an athletic injury a physical therapist and/or chiropractor can design a specific treatment regimen to enhance the healing process and allow for a quicker, safe return to competition. Some treatment methods may include ultrasound, electrical stimulation, exercise training, and chiropractic adjustments. Our rehabilitation programs are comprehensive and give athletes access to state-of-the-art equipment.